
Busy to Being 5: Overcoming the Self-Care Guilt Cycle

Welcome back to Busy to Being! A weekly video series where I share teachings that I have been integrating for over 15 years across a variety of disciplines, including: yoga, health coaching, workplace wellness, mindfulness, personal growth, spirituality, shadow integration, and more. This series is sure to shape-shift and evolve as it moves through me and I gain insight into what you all need, so please do share your questions and reflections in the comments section below the video.

These teachings have helped me to slow down and take time to nurture my wellbeing so I can access my inner knowing and approach the inevitable ups and downs of life feeling nourished and resilient. I hope you find meaning and support here within the context of your own life, and if you think of anyone who could benefit, it would be a big help if you could please share.

In my fifth video below, I talk about the infamous self-care guilt cycle and how to approach it in a simple and expansive way.

If you often feel guilty when you take time for yourself, you’re not alone.

This can be problematic for a couple reasons:
1. Self-care guilt can create added mental and emotional stress
2. Self-care guilt keeps us stuck in old patterns of NOT prioritizing our self-care or wellBeing.

It’s completely normal for old patterns and conditioning, like guilt, to come up when we slow down and get still. What I teach in the video below will help you experience self-care guilt (and other thoughts and emotions) without letting it keep you stuck in the pattern of NOT taking time for self-care or Being.

(And if you missed my last video where I teach 2 ways to feel less rushed, honor yourSelf and have more time and energy for the things that matter to you, you can find it here.)

Repeat after me: No one or thing is more deserving of my time and care than me.

If you’d like continued support building the habit of Being self-caring, I invite you to take more classes with me here: ombodyhealth.com/hello


Much love & thanks for Being,


About the Author: Allie Andrews

With a decade of experience in the wellness and coaching industry, Allie has partnered with 65 companies and helped hundreds of achievers and workaholics find a pace and rhythm to living that feels sustainable and nourishing.

As a coach, Allie helps her clients grow their impact while prioritizing their health, deepening their relationships, and following their joy.

Allie is a lifelong student of personal growth, certified health coach, yoga teacher, and intimacy and relationship coach.

Instagram: @iamallieandrews // Facebook: Allie Andrews Coaching // LinkedIn