
Tools for Work/Life Balance

What are your thoughts on work/life balance?

While I’m not one of those people who thinks the concept of balance is total garbage, I do acknowledge that it can be yet another unrealistic expectation we place on ourselves.

As my college professor Dr Kricher taught, we can’t prescribe (or expect) balance to (of) any complex system. And humans are certainly complex!

But, as long as we hold it gently and remain receptive, I think the concept of balance is quite helpful in theory because it can act as a barometer against which we measure how we’re allocating our time and attention/energy in relation to how we feel in the various aspects of our life, and our life overall.

For example, I’ve noticed that the extent to which I feel grounded and harmonious is often (not always) a reflection of how I’m allocating my time and attention…

If I’m not allocating enough time to moving my body or sleep, I feel tired and anxious.

If I spend my day going from my phone to my laptop to the TV without breaks to connect face to face and get outside, I feel wired and uninspired.

If I’m not taking time to be present with loved ones, I feel lonely and disconnected.

If I’m not making time for play and adventure, I feel creatively blocked.

Here are some reflections to help you get grounded in what work/life balance means to you, and how you’re doing…

Work/Life Balance Exercise Part 1:

Rather than subscribing to someone else’s definition of work/life balance, it’s important that we develop our own standard of success. Like most things in life: there’s no one-size-fits-all formula.

The invitation is to take 10-minutes to riff with yourself on this…take out your journal (or audio journal) and reflect:

  • Do I tend to over-extended myself? I.e., Do I take on more than I can energetically sustain?
  • Why do I do this? Really, why?
  • What does success in the realm of work/life balance look and feel like to me?

Work/Life Balance Exercise Part 2:

You can take it a step further and rate your sense of satisfaction in the different areas of your life on a scale of 0-10 (0 being completely dissatisfied and 10 being 100% satisfied). Here are some categories to choose from, rate the ones that feel most relevant to you, or better yet create your own:

  • Mental Health
  • Eating /Nutrition
  • Exercise 
  • Spirituality
  • Creative Expression/Passion Projects
  • Close Relationships (friends and family)
  • Love Relationship(s)
  • Self-Worth, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love
  • Work Satisfaction
  • Work/Life Boundaries
  • Finances
  • Emotional Self-Care
  • Learning/Growth
  • Home Environment
  • Connection with Nature
  • Giving Back/Service
  • Sleep/Rest

If this all feels overwhelming to you, yet you can’t get out of your own way when it comes to creating the life you want, lean on me to help you. I invite you to schedule a free coaching session with me, click here.

About the Author: Allie Andrews

With a decade of experience in the wellness and coaching industry, Allie has partnered with 65 companies and helped hundreds of achievers and workaholics find a pace and rhythm to living that feels sustainable and nourishing.

As a coach, Allie helps her clients grow their impact while prioritizing their health, deepening their relationships, and following their joy.

Allie is a lifelong student of personal growth, certified health coach, yoga teacher, and sex and relationship coach.

Schedule your free coaching session with Allie

Instagram: @iamallieandrews

Facebook: Allie Andrews, OmBody Health