
So many of my clients and students tell me that life feels like a juggling act and they’re constantly dropping balls. If they focus too much on one, they drop two others. Can you relate?

I sure can. And one thing that helps me find acceptance when I feel like I’m/my life is falling apart is this:

It’s ok to drop balls…

It’s ok to be messy.

It’s ok to take a break from your goals.

It’s ok for things to fall away.

It’s ok to let go.

It’s not only ok, it’s human…

It’s just not sustainable to juggle 24/7. (The overachiever in us doesn’t like this too much.)

I know, shame can come up when we stop exercising, make mistakes at work, gain weight, or let the house get a bit messy.

Thoughts like: “I don’t have that much going on, I should be able to do this.” 

Or: “[Insert name of someone you compare yourself to] is juggling it all so gracefully, why can’t I?”

If you notice thoughts like these it’s time for some compassionate self-reflection. Remember, you’re fluid, dynamic and ever-changing. You’re bound to drop balls…

Not only is it ok to drop balls, it can be quite illuminating — when we stop doing something, we get insight into whether it’s a need or expectation.

As I’ve said before, many people are juggling expectations (“shoulds“) without space for their needs, let alone their wants and desires.

Sometimes we drop something and realize that we don’t need to pick it back up right away (or ever). Or we realize that we DO need to pick it back up, that our ability to be ourselves depends on it.

Maybe it’s exercise for you, or meditation, or your morning ritual, or writing, or going on hikes, or church, or mountain biking, or stillness, or learning, or painting, dancing, singing, playing the guitar…

Many of us have dropped a lot of balls during the pandemic, some of which we’ll never pick back up. Some of which we needed to pick back up yesterday.

Wherever you find yourself, remember our mantra: It’s all about the return.

As we enter into a new month, it’s a great time to re-evaluate and hit the intention reset button. 

Today, or sometime before the end of the week, I invite you to reflect on the following:

✨ What are you (re)committing to as you enter into September?

✨ And why? (This is important, both in your ability to follow through, stay committed, and in ensuring this is a true need and desire of yours and not an expectation that when investigated doesn’t mean a whole lot to you).

✨ What are you choosing to drop so you have space for something new?

✨ What self-care practices or creative pursuits are you choosing to commit to that will rejuvenate your life force? 

✨ How can you take better care of yourself emotionally this month?

And for those who want to take this a step further…

Here are some free resources to support you in setting intentions and prioritizing self-care this month >>

Stay tuned for more support from me on integrating mental/emotional self-care into your daily life. 

Much love,



About the Author: Allie Andrews

With a decade of experience in the wellness and coaching industry, Allie has partnered with 65 companies and helped hundreds of achievers and workaholics find a pace and rhythm to living that feels sustainable and nourishing.

As a coach, Allie helps her clients grow their impact while prioritizing their health, deepening their relationships, and following their joy.

Allie is a lifelong student of personal growth, certified health coach, yoga teacher, and sex and relationship coach.

Schedule your free coaching session with Allie

Instagram: @iamallieandrews // Facebook: Allie Andrews Coaching // LinkedIn