
Busy to Being 1: Push Pause With This Easy & Pleasurable Self-Care Ritual

Welcome to Busy to Being!

I’m so glad you’re here. In this weekly video series, I share teachings that I have been integrating for over 15 years to slow down, nurture my wellbeing, and access my inner knowing to live a more self and soul-aligned life. I hope you enjoy, and if you think of anyone who could benefit, it would be a big help if you could please share.

In my first video below, I talk about why slowing down is so important in the fast-paced world we live in today and give a bit of my backstory. Make sure you stay until the end when I share one of my favorite fall/winter self-care rituals for pushing pause and settling stress (no, it’s not meditation)!


Thanks for Being,

About the Author: Allie Andrews

With a decade of experience in the wellness and coaching industry, Allie has partnered with 65 companies and helped hundreds of achievers and workaholics find a pace and rhythm to living that feels sustainable and nourishing.

As a coach, Allie helps her clients grow their impact while prioritizing their health, deepening their relationships, and following their joy.

Allie is a lifelong student of personal growth, certified health coach, yoga teacher, and intimacy and relationship coach.

Instagram: @iamallieandrews // Facebook: Allie Andrews Coaching // LinkedIn